Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lost in Love

It is so easy to get caught up in life and forget about things that mean the most to us sometimes. My life is always on the go, between work and school and i do not have to much free time to spend with the ones i love the most. Since the last time i wrote( which has been a few weeks) a lot has happened. My wonderful, most spectacular boyfriend Caleb told me that he is moving in with me. Which i am so beyond happy to finally, officially start my life with him living together. I am going to do it right this time around. I fall in love with him all over again every time i look into his eyes. It is truly love! He also graduated with his bachelors in Game Art and Design from the Art Institute. I am so thankful that i  got to spend one of the most memorable day of his life with him and his family. I got to truly see his passion at his portfolio show, and had tears in my eyes watching him speak at graduation. He also won best portfolio in his program and his best friend Lowell won best portfolio for his program. I am blessed to have been around two people that have so much drive, determination, and passion for what they do. It is inspiring, and i hope to be that passionate about a job again one day. I got to spend 5 of the best days ever with my honey and his family. We took a trip to the Grand Canyon, which was our first time there and it is simply amazing. Something that everyone should at least do once in there lifetime. After that we spend the night in Flagstaff where the weather was cooler and was a nice get-away from the busy, beyond hot city life we live. We drove into Sedona the next day and found the most amazing road ever, covered in trees. Reminded me of back home, the little things that mean the most to me that i miss. I am going to take a nice drive in a few weeks see some leaves changing and taking my doggies for a nice hike. We went on a Pink Jeep Tour with his family, and had an awesome tour guide to show us a good time and had lots of info about Sedona. Now its back to the busy life of work and school for me. Caleb is applying for jobs now and it is all so exciting. Where shall the next chapter of our lives take us? The number one thing you have to remember is love that makes those bad days better. Just to have that person that you love there for you no matter what..Enjoy my journey.. It is only going to get better from here..

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