Monday, September 13, 2010

Come away with me...

Life as we know it is full of ups and downs..Its like a roller coaster of fun new adventures everyday..So what is it we really want out of life.. I know that my mind changes daily.. What i do know is that all of the people on Forbes magazine did not get to where they are today with out a struggle. So although i have given up everything that i have worked so hard to have when i first moved to Arizona, just so i could go to school will be worth it in the end. I have no clue what i want to be when i grow up again, but i would love to live on the beach in Cali and open up my own boutique selling Sedona style jewelry and the cutest sun dresses ever. But before i do that when i finally graduate college, I am going to travel the world. The day you stop dreaming, is the day that your soul dies. So come away with me on a journey through college, my relationship with the most amazing guy ever, and my trials and errors and good times along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi baby...I'll be there but I get to pick the first destination on our world tour. It may sound weird but I want to visit the pyramids in Egypt. It's always been one of those things on my trip list and it's #1. What do you think?
