Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Beginnings

Life can change so quickly. I have come to the realization that no one can ever really be prepared for the things life is going to hand us. We can asses the situation and hopefully make the best decision. As of now in my life i have learned all to well. I am going to be 25 in March and can say that i will have officially moved across the country 3 times in my life already. I have loved the journey of my life, it has definitely been a challenge along the way but i have learned a lot about myself and how to do things by myself along the way. In the end the only person that is ever really there for you is yourself. To fill you guys in on the new changes in my life Caleb has gotten his dream job right out of school working at Raven Software, which is a division of ActiVision. Of course i am going to move across the country with him i love him. This is what i looked most forward to when we had first started dating. I knew he would be moving after graduation. I do love Arizona but with the fast city paced life the years just fly by. I couldnt even tell you what month it is after April. I miss summer time and grass and trees. I will one day be back in Arizona because the sun is oh so amazing.
           I wear my emotions on my sleeve and talk to everyone about everything, It just makes me feel better to talk about things. If i dont i just listen to music and keep to myself which eventually leads to a blowup. I talk to my friends about everything, it helps me asses what is going on. My mind changes daily but eventually in the end i always go with my heart. If i dont go with Caleb, it is something i will regret and have to live with for the rest of my life. I like to take risks. This one was defiantly scarier though being that i am going to school full time right now. I have a new school picked out in Wisconsin. It is called Globe University which has a good business program and really good job placement after school is out. It was one of those things that you can never be sure about in till you are there in their school atmosphere. I am working on getting my cosmetology license in Wisconsin which will be my 3rd licensed state for me. haha Give me a challenge and i shall succeed.

      So Monday 11/29/10 was when Caleb got his phone call for his starting date. They want him to start this Monday on 12/6/10. So needless to say this week has been chaos thus far. I am thankful that we got to have an amazing Thanksgiving with some really good friends and their family. Monday after we found out we somehow got our whole apartment packed up. Applied for a ton of apartments in Wisconsin. Yesterday we picked up the moving truck and loaded everything up. After we were completely sore and exhausted we had a going away dinner with friends. This morning when i left for class my honey bear was preparing to take the long haul across the country again with our belongings.  So for now im finishing up the last few weeks of my semester and work and heading up to Wisconsin. I am definitely nervous to drive across the country by myself and my 2 dogs and one is terrified of car rides. I really want to make it home for christmas i feel like its been forever. I havent seen the snow since two years ago when i was home. So im pretty sure the outcome for moving to Wisconsin is going to be a complete culture shock. I am already looking forward to spring time haha, All i want for christmas is some uggs boots and a snow scraper. haha

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lost in Love

It is so easy to get caught up in life and forget about things that mean the most to us sometimes. My life is always on the go, between work and school and i do not have to much free time to spend with the ones i love the most. Since the last time i wrote( which has been a few weeks) a lot has happened. My wonderful, most spectacular boyfriend Caleb told me that he is moving in with me. Which i am so beyond happy to finally, officially start my life with him living together. I am going to do it right this time around. I fall in love with him all over again every time i look into his eyes. It is truly love! He also graduated with his bachelors in Game Art and Design from the Art Institute. I am so thankful that i  got to spend one of the most memorable day of his life with him and his family. I got to truly see his passion at his portfolio show, and had tears in my eyes watching him speak at graduation. He also won best portfolio in his program and his best friend Lowell won best portfolio for his program. I am blessed to have been around two people that have so much drive, determination, and passion for what they do. It is inspiring, and i hope to be that passionate about a job again one day. I got to spend 5 of the best days ever with my honey and his family. We took a trip to the Grand Canyon, which was our first time there and it is simply amazing. Something that everyone should at least do once in there lifetime. After that we spend the night in Flagstaff where the weather was cooler and was a nice get-away from the busy, beyond hot city life we live. We drove into Sedona the next day and found the most amazing road ever, covered in trees. Reminded me of back home, the little things that mean the most to me that i miss. I am going to take a nice drive in a few weeks see some leaves changing and taking my doggies for a nice hike. We went on a Pink Jeep Tour with his family, and had an awesome tour guide to show us a good time and had lots of info about Sedona. Now its back to the busy life of work and school for me. Caleb is applying for jobs now and it is all so exciting. Where shall the next chapter of our lives take us? The number one thing you have to remember is love that makes those bad days better. Just to have that person that you love there for you no matter what..Enjoy my journey.. It is only going to get better from here..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Come away with me...

Life as we know it is full of ups and downs..Its like a roller coaster of fun new adventures everyday..So what is it we really want out of life.. I know that my mind changes daily.. What i do know is that all of the people on Forbes magazine did not get to where they are today with out a struggle. So although i have given up everything that i have worked so hard to have when i first moved to Arizona, just so i could go to school will be worth it in the end. I have no clue what i want to be when i grow up again, but i would love to live on the beach in Cali and open up my own boutique selling Sedona style jewelry and the cutest sun dresses ever. But before i do that when i finally graduate college, I am going to travel the world. The day you stop dreaming, is the day that your soul dies. So come away with me on a journey through college, my relationship with the most amazing guy ever, and my trials and errors and good times along the way.